How has being involved in FCA impacted you as a coach and/or athlete?
The FCA Coaches Huddle has impacted me tremendously. As a coach, being able to build a network of Christian coaches, has allowed me to grow as a coach, educator, and mentor. FCA allows me to talk about my faith, gain perspective from others, and learn how to use my platform as God's vessel. I wish that I was involved in FCA when I was in high school and college.
How do you see God using you through FCA?
I can see God using me through FCA, not only to influence athletes but coaches too. This is what I love about FCA because it isn't only directed towards the younger generation of athletes, but it allows coaches and adults to share testimonies and learn from each other. FCA allows me to build a network of fellow believers who can lead me and help me lead others to a life with Christ.
Why would you encourage others to get involved in FCA?
I would encourage others to get involved in FCA because it’s very rewarding. Iron sharpens Iron, and every huddle that I leave, I never leave the same. It’s important for Christian brothers and sisters to be surrounded by solid fellowship, and FCA provides that.
What else would you like to share about your experience with FCA?
I’ve only been involved with FCA for a few months, and I am blessed to be a part of such a strong foundation. I’ve been welcomed with open arms, and it’s allowed me to grow in my faith and develop a deeper, intimate relationship with Christ. As a man, it can be challenging to allow yourself to be vulnerable and share your testimony with others, but Coach Jeannine has allowed each of us to get comfortable with each other while sharing God's word over our lives.